50% OFF Early-Bird Registration Ends in:

Here's How You'll Be Able To Start Understanding Qur'anic Arabic In Just Three Short Weeks!

YES! I Want This!

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URGENT: ONLY 40 Seats Allocated At This Price Point. Do Not Delay!

2 Year Foundations Program in Classical Arabic

Here's What It Will Help You With:

  • The inner core 4% of grammar and morphology that will enable you to start reading an Arabic book in the third week of class
  • Unique formulas and techniques you will use to read without vowels so you can read and understand the books of the scholars for yourself
  • The NEW way to build vocabulary that eliminates tedious memorization once and for all
  • And much, much more ...

This is the full and complete Premium version of the program with 12 months of live classes. It currently sells on my site for $1,997.00 and it's worth every penny - but as part of a very limited enrollment opportunity, you're getting it for 50% off the normal price. No strings attached!

Here's why you'd want to sign-up, even if it wasn't on sale:

Classes have been in session online uninterrupted since 2004!

Even after all these years, it's still the only program that properly leverages the 80-20 principle to make sure you're only studying the things you absolutely need to know at any given time. This is true in week 1 and it's just as true in week 20.

It excites and fascinates you from the opening lecture by diving straight into what makes Arabic superior so you can understand clearly why Allah chose it for the medium of his final message. (This creates an incredibly strong emotional connection)

Next, it maintains and sustains this fascination by starting an actual reading text within 21 days. At this point all the theory comes to life and its constantly reinforced so that the entire learning process becomes PLEASANT and indeed enjoyable. No stress.

This radically simple learning approach will work for you, even if you have a:

    • a bad memory …
    • a tight budget …
    • family responsibilities …
    • a super busy schedule (it’s designed for busy people)
    • a visual impairment…
    • an attention disorder …
    • a history of quitting courses …


You think you’ve tried everything!

Let’s take a look at EXACTLY what you will receive as a registered student of the Foundations Program:

First 3 weeks: Discover how the language works

In the first three weeks of class, you’ll learn the 4% of the language that gives you more than half of the benefits you will ultimately achieve.

This includes the central theme and gets straight to the guts of how the language works to encourage more rapid Arabic learning!

In the 2nd video of week 2, you’ll discover the 2 major issues related to every Arabic sentence. The ‘lack of is’ issue and the ‘sequence not determining grammar’ issue.

You’ll see the genius of how Arabic resolves these 2 issues, and this will prepare you to begin your first Arabic book by the third week of class!

As we read this book together, you will see all the concepts we cover in class come alive … with real examples, using stories and vocabulary from the Quran.

Rest of semester 1: Intermediate Grammar and Sarf mastery

You’ll find my 99 minute presentation on Mu’rab vs. Mabni at the end of week 7.

This jam packed presentation will give you the tools to read unvoweled Arabic texts like a scholar while other beginners are still covering pronouns.

At the end of week 10, you’ll be exposed to my Nested Structures discussion which is the ONLY WAY to properly tackle complex sentences—a method that practically covers every possible structure!

As you’ve probably noticed by now, the Foundations Program in Classical Arabic has by far the clearest roadmap to Arabic mastery … as it keeps you focused on the most interesting aspects of what makes Arabic superior, combined with frequent reading, preventing boredom from setting in and allowing for total clarity!

You’ll have comfortably studied the entire science of Arabic Morphology by the end of the 6th month. This is the science that was first documented by Imam Abu Hanifa himself and it comes in the biography of Imam Nawawi (one of the greatest scholars in history of this ummah) that he continued to study it at a time when he was studying Sahih Muslim, al-muhaddhab (a book in Shafi’ fiqh) and many of the exalted sciences.

This is the area of classical Arabic that is rarely taught, yet accounts of 30% of total comprehension.

You’ll also have covered not one, but two parts of the brilliant guided reading series: Stories Of The Prophets, By Sayed Abul Hasan Ali Nadawi.

In all, the first semester consists of 50 hours of core training.

Semester 2: How to read unvoweled Arabic and think at the level of the scholars

Your grammar will be so strong that you can now begin your first unvoweled text…

Just imagine for a moment, picking up a centuries old manuscript, that looks like a wall of text, with no vowels, no punctuation and no paragraphing… Imagine reading it and understanding it yourself while your friends watch amazed at how you’re able to do this.

And you won’t just be reading any text, you’ll be reading the 132 page “Best Book In The World For Grammar” called Hidayah an-Nahw … A book which I’ve taught 42 times!

Which until very recently I continued to reteach 3 times a year, every year, and never delegated any aspect of its teaching.

In the first 20 pages, I’ll be showing you everything I’ve learnt about how to decipher classical text.

I’ve proven that learning Arabic can and should be enjoyable, and I want to share those secrets with you too!

Plus, I’ll be revealing exactly how to arrive at the deeper meanings that these authors often intend so you can replicate the process with any classical text!

Here's what it's worth:

The 50 hours of core training PLUS the Hidaya an-Nahw text by itself are valued at $5250, and here’s why:

In just the first six months of class, you will cover material that other institutions would segment into 7 separate courses and charge you $375 per course.

That’s two grammar courses:  introductory grammar and intermediate grammar. 

The entire science of morphology: Introductory morphology, intermediate morphology and advanced morphology, plus two courses in guided reading adding up to $2625. 

Then when you add that to the next 6 months, where you study nawh in depth as you learn to read an unvoweled classical text and get trained to think at the level of the scholars, the value doubles to at least $5250.

Year 2 courses to fully equip you to reach your goals!

The bulk of the learning and development in the Foundations Program happens in year one. We could've stopped there and it would be a complete offering, no doubt.

However, to help you learn Arabic even faster and fully equip you to reach your goals, I've created and taught several advanced courses that together we refer to as "The second year of the program".

Here they are:

Tafseer: We will cover 2 large Surah’s with complete grammatical and rhetorical analysis

Advanced Grammar: Through the 1000 couplets poem by Ibn Malik along with Ibn Aqeel’s commentary

Classical Logic: Through two texts by Imam Al-Ghazali who was a brilliant author and an absolute master at creating mental imagery

Balagha Or Arabic Rhetoric: (Through Imam At-Taftazani’s 550 page commentary on Al-Qazwini’s Talkhees Al-Miftah)

These are the topics I’ll be covering with you once you’re done with the Core 50 Hours and the Hidayah an-Nahw Book

Second year students, in the past, have submitted $139/Month to get access to these advanced courses…

Yet today, you’ll be entitled to them FOR FREE, and…

Your access to them will never expire!

And I personally promise you that if you follow through with the core 50 Hours you WILL be equipped to study these exalted sciences in their original Arabic!

Now you can see why the first year materials are valued at $5,250. Even without the bonuses, this is a steal… And if you signed up for the second year courses by themselves, your total investment today would be over $6,750!

However, just for reading this message today, I have a much better deal coming your way.

Just keep reading, as it won’t last much longer.

Of course you could choose to just continue on the path you’re on right now, and eventually resign yourself to the idea that learning Arabic is too difficult, or only for the scholars (though, you know deep down that that’s not true)…

While one, two, or more Ramadans come and go and you slowly sink with guilt …as you see yourself stuck at the same level year after year…

Or you can uproot your life completely, leave your family, your job, and head off to an Arab country and STILL not be assured that you’re studying with a proper approach

Returning back after a full year of studies with little more than some conversational skills, if that.

And that is not what I want for you.

So let’s make this a really easy decision, okay?

I feel you deserve to know why I’m about to offer you such a massive discount today.

So let me share my dream with you. It’s a cause that I’m inviting you to join, along with thousands of other folks just like you who are ready to:

    • Follow in the footsteps of the illustrious scholars of this ummah
    • Reinvigorate their passion for this divinely revealed language
    • And replace their disability and illiteracy with a steady accumulation of knowledge in a systematized fashion
    • Allowing them to access their Islamic heritage themselves rather than just be told about it
    • And, above all, share that new confidence and faith with the world!

A few years ago, I set an inspiring goal:

I dedicated myself to helping at least 100,000 brothers and sisters understand at least 80% of basic translation when they stand in prayers or recite Qur’an on their own!

Since then, I’ve helped hundreds and hundreds understand far more than just basic translation.

By Allah’s permission these students now report the joy of experiencing its miracle first hand. Yet, I thought the basic meanings was a great start.


That’s like entire congregations moved to tears during the taraweeh prayers. Can you imagine it?

How much joy that would create?

The ripple effect it would cause in our families and communities?

How many other people would be inspired by this cause?

The Bottom Line:

I decided that I absolutely need to let as many folks as possible join in this cause.

The Good News?

That means much lower tuition for you.

Because I want you to Join The Cause…And I don’t want “finances” to stop anyone!

So let’s add your new found connection to the Book of Allah to the cause… starting right now:

That means that today you will NOT be submitting the total tuition for the Foundations Program and the bonuses…

Not Even Close!

So your investment today will not be:

Not even half that!

Not even $1,997 (which is the standard price it sells for on our website).

Your total investment today, which includes the “Core 50 Hours”, the Hidayah An-Nahw Text, and all four 2nd year courses I spoke about earlier is NOW

Only 1 Payment Of Just $997!

Listen: Don’t decide right now. take advantage of my unconditional Triple Guarantee:

Just try the Shariah Program System for yourself for a full 30 days.

If you do not learn more Arabic in these 30 short days than all of your previous attempts combined OR:

If you’re not reading your first Arabic book comfortably in the first 21 days OR:

Even if you just don’t like the way the videos are designed! The font colors I used, you name it, I’ll gladly refund every penny.

No Questions, No Hassles!

Click the button below to claim your discounted price Now!

YES! I Want This!

You’ll join thousands of other student success stories, like Shada and Abass.

Sr. Shada, from the UK says, it was the answer to her prayers and that it’s “the most comprehensive, well structured program and very easy to understand. “

Br. Abass, in Nigeria was surprised to find that after "only a few weeks into the study materials,” he was “competing favourably with friends who have been studying the language for close to 2-3 years."

Remember: It’s not just a great bargain you’re getting today.

You’ll be joining a movement to transform the condition of our ummah…

You’ll be a part of an ever-growing, global community of students aspiring to reconnect
with their deen

It Does Get Better…

If you sign up before the timer on this page hits zero, I’ll also give you Mohtanick Jamil’s 21 Lesson “Premium Alphabet Course”:

This is a course that we normally sell separately through our website. And today, you are getting it as a bonus.  It’s perfect for any student of Arabic who wants to start, improve or perfect their reading, writing and pronunciation.

You’ll be granted immediate access to everything: the 50 Hours of Core Training, the complete Hidayah an-Nahw Lessons, and all the bonuses…


Your free Premium Alphabet Course worth $497…just for taking immediate action today!

To make starting up even easier for you, instead of a single payment, you can make 6 monthly payments of $197.00 .

Remember: You’ve been struggling to learn Arabic for far too long…

And the pain of continuing in a state of inaction will only lead to more despair, more frustration, more guilt, more confusion…

And continued ignorance.

Yet, all of this can change the moment you learn the big picture that the Foundations Program will give you in the opening days of class…

Picture the moment you finally understand the Qur’an as soon as you hear it recited…

You feel inspired.

Full of gratitude and optimism.

You gain a new insight in your Salaah today and on so many days after today…

You are experiencing the connection, understanding and inspiration from the Qur’an that you deserve …at long last!

Yes, it’s true: Your lack of progress, up until today, has largely been no fault of your own.

It’s true you’ve been misled to take the wrong approach to learning Arabic…

The endless lists of vocabulary…

And the seemingly random and confusing rules and structures.

However, today marks your day to take responsibility

To take the action necessary to put an end to the confusion, and begin anew on a time-tested method of learning Arabic that simply works!

And unlike other courses you might sign up for, this one is guaranteed to work:

Try It First For 30 Full Days And See The Results You Desire Or You Pay Absolutely Nothing!

Plus you’re only an email away from an answer from our friendly support staff!

You’ve heard from a few students… folks just like you who have seen incredible success with the Shariah Program.

Now, let’s hear from some more,

Sr. Asma, who drove 22 hours from Mississippi to attend my class in Toronto, wrote the following in an Al-Maghrib discussion forum:

“… in one day of class I learned more than I learned in an entire year of Harvard…. What you need in a class is someone to explain to you how the language WORKS…”

Sr. Jessica, who drove even further to come to us from Idaho said:

“... It is hard for others to comprehend the depth of our studies here and they think this Arabic program is like other Arabic programs. It’s not. That’s why we chose to study under Mufti Yusuf above anyone else currently teaching here or abroad. You can’t find anyone else who will teach you the things he will teach you or the way he will teach you...”

In an emails to my assistant, Sr. Azmat from the UK said…

“I have been studying arabic for the last 10 years [yes 10 and this is the 11th] and i just thought it was so slow and it would take me ages to master it and i gave up, many times, subhanAllaah i always had hope in Allaah that there was a faster, or not faster but easier way.  so i always used to try again!  SubhanAllaah all the things i studied he covered within an hour and it made sense…

You’ll be granted immediate access to everything: the Core 50 Hours Of Training, the complete Hidayah an-Nahw Recordings, all the bonuses…

PLUS: Your Free Premium Alphabet Course Bonus worth $497…just for taking immediate action today!

Immediately after you order, you need to access The Premium Alphabet Course.

You’ll find it in our video portal, under the Foundations Tab…

This Premium Alphabet Course will get you up to speed and ensure your pronunciation is perfect..

The Bonus Module will prepare you to properly master the inner core I teach in my first 3 Weeks.

My student, Mohtanick Jamil, who first studied with me when he was 16, spent six months developing this course, leaving no stone unturned and no angle uncovered.

As you learn through his lessons, I’m sure you’ll be inspired, knowing how far he has come, by going through our system.

From not knowing Arabic at all, to teaching it to hundreds, and soon thousands of students.

And he’s done all this, while facing more challenges than most, as Ustadh Mohtanick is actually legally blind.

Get started now for as little as $197.00

Just do not put this off one second longer.

Here’s Why:

First, as you recall, I lowered the price by over half. Just so you can jump in now.

Yet, eventually, this price might be going up to more appropriately reflect the value of the contents we’re delivering…

So act now before that happens!

With something as important as understanding the language of the Qur’an, now that you have this opportunity, you don’t want to delay and waste precious time.

And let’s not forget: Unless you take action now, today, you may never take action. You may do what some people do and “put it off”… just a “few more days”… which will turn into “months”… then “years”

So let’s make sure you get what you really want:

And do the only smart thing you can do:

Take advantage of this limited-time offer, while you still can…

And wisely get on the right path to a proven, established and exciting journey to understanding the Qur’an today!

Everything you get (total value $7,944)

Here's the summary of everything you're getting:

Click the button below to get started now. On the next page, you'll be able to choose the option that's best for you. Either 6 installments of $197.00, or you can save $185 further and do it in a single payment of $997 and you will have no installments. Either way, you're protected by my 30 day unconditional guarantee.

YES! I Want This!
  • Lifetime access to all the lessons and resources so that you can relax, take your time, study at your own pace and build your fluency year after year

  • 950 Pages of transcripts (PDF downloads) so you can receive the content in whatever format you learn best with

  • All your questions answered under every training video within the comments section

  • 5 Weeks Of Review Sessions (conducted on the weekend mornings) to help you through the initial stages of the program. This is additional support offered by one of Mufti Yusuf’s TAs.

  • WEEKLY Office Hours on Skype (conducted 2 times per week) where you can get the personal support you need and get your questions answered one-on-one

  • 4 Bonus Second Year Courses to take your Arabic Learning to the next level and so you can study Islam at a very academic level and benefit spiritually.

Plus You'll Also Get These Amazing Bonuses:

  • BONUS #1: The Premium Alphabet course - 21 lessons taking you through all the letters (writing, reading and precise pronunciation), all the way up to advanced reading and writing and linguistics. (value: $297)
  • BONUS #2: Mohtanick Jamil's Bonus Module - 8 lessons that will give you clarity on how the language works and show you how to conjugate verbs and accurately understand different types of sentences. (value: $197)
  • BONUS #3: Tafseer (second year course) - Where you'll take everything you've learned in the first year and use it as we look through two large surahs of the Quran and witness the miracle come alive before our eyes (value: $375)
  • BONUS #4: Advanced Grammar (second year course) - To develop true proficiency so that you can read Arabic just as easily as you read English (value: $375)
  • BONUS #5: Classical Logic (second year course) - Which will train you to think analytically and protect you from misleading and logically incongruent arguments (value: $375)
  • BONUS #6: Rhetoric/Balaagha (second year course) - Learning the science of eloquence, i.e. the art of using the most appropriate language to suit each unique situation. When you understand this science and see how every word of every verse in the Quran so perfectly matches the needs of the situation it was revealed for, then you can't help but fortify your faith. (value: $375)
  • BONUS #7: 12 Months of Premium Live Classes - Come online twice a week for an hour at a time and let me help you overcome every hurdle you come up against. This is where I'll quiz you to test your understanding and where you can ask me whatever question you have. (value: $695)

Have You Heard What Other Students Are Saying?

Still Have Questions?

  • q-iconI have a very busy schedule, will I be able to find time to study?

    If you’re busy, then you need this method more than others. In fact, it might be the ONLY method appropriate for your needs.

    Because it gets straight to the heart of what makes the language work and teaches you only the most incredibly important aspects that you need to know.

    You end up saving hundreds of hours of precious time, totally enthusiastic and eager to move to the next lesson. No other method can accomplish all this in such an optimal way.

    The report and free videos was only the tip of the iceberg.

    Besides, this is not a luxury but rather a necessity.

    When we asked our students what was the biggest transformation they’ve experienced since signing up for the program, Br. Jamil Afridi said the biggest transformation he experienced was:

    “The hope that insha-Allah, on the Day of Judgement, I shall not be standing alongside those unfortunate believers, who, despite considering themselves devout muslims, could not put in enough effort to learn the language of the Quran”.

    Further, the program itself has elements engineered into it from the get go that will make learning FUN. It will be more recreational for you than anything remotely resembling tedious study.

    As for the weekly commitment, it’s totally up to you. That’s the convenience of the Self Paced Program. Remember that you can be learning even while on the go through our iPad and iPhone friendly files.

  • q-iconWhy is there a price tag at all? Why don’t you just teach for free?

    To tell you the truth, the thought crossed my mind too and I actually tried waiving tuition fees a few years back.

    And you know what happened?

    Some students started to not take the classes so seriously anymore (I guess if something is free, people start to not value it so much). And others felt awkward and uncomfortable that they were taking so much of my time and effort and not giving anything in return.

    So, I brought back the tuition fees and students actually thanked me for it.

    You see, the pursuit of knowledge requires some level of commitment and sacrifice. Whether it’s scholars of the past leaving their families and traveling great distances to seek knowledge or students of today submitting tuition – some level of commitment and sacrifice is necessary to keep you focused throughout this journey.

    Of course, your tuition also makes it possible for me, and my team to commit ourselves full time to bringing you the best possible Arabic education you can get. And it gives us the resources to improve the program month after month, year after year, alhamdulillah.

    Furthermore, your tuition enables us to promote this approach to learning Classical Arabic far and wide.

  • q-iconI've never studied online before. Does online education actually work? How does it work?

    The content pieces I shared with you during the last week involved a considerable amount of teaching. We kept them long and packed with content. At times, because of time constraints, I was forced to speak quickly and short cut with few examples. I tried to keep the focus on the core concept and giving the big picture.

    In the main program it is much more spread out. The speed of delivery is more appropriate and of course there’s always transcripts and additional study aids.

    So, if you were able to learn through what we just shared, you’ll definitely be able to derive maximum benefit from the main program, insha Allah.

  • q-iconThis sounds too good to be true how do I know it's for real?

    Upon first glance, it does. But when you suspend your disbelief and read the 45 page report or watch just the first of the 4 videos, you begin seeing how it really is possible to get to these levels in such short periods of time.

    There’s really no magic to it. It’s about taking the core of the language and teaching it first.

    If other institutions did the same, they would experience similar results.

  • q-iconI'm only a beginner, and I don't even read Qur'an very fluently yet, is this course right for me?

    There’s a huge bonus package attached to this offer. It includes an 11 hour Foundations course which will get you up to speed so your pronunciation and taj-weed are perfect. This Foundations course BONUS does NOT assume the student can read Arabic script. It starts from the very basics.

  • q-iconThe course is expensive, what if I don't have that full amount?

    This program teaches a whole language with your specific goals in mind.

    With that said, there’s already a convenient installment plan with this current offer. When you sign up before the deadline, you’ll be able to spread the cost over many months.

  • q-iconWhat are the timings for the live classes and what happens if I miss a class?

    Classes are held on Saturday and Sunday mornings at 8:15 Eastern (1:15 PM GMT) to cater to people in all time zones.

    Every class is archived and recorded. So in the middle of the week you’ll be getting an email specifying what videos you need to watch before the Sunday class and also that email will contain links to the replay of the previous weeks 2 classes.

    So if you ever miss a class you can catch the replay before the next class.

  • q-iconWhat's the purpose of these live classes?

    90% of the actual learning happens through the grounding materials at our membership portal. Your access to all of these resources is for life. The interactive live component is there to enhance your learning experience.

    It gives me an opportunity to re-cover major topics using newer approaches that I’ve developed since the last time the videos were produced. Because recreating the materials from scratch cannot happen every single year. So these live classes provide the platform where you can hear my newest insights. The Sunday classes in particular are for rehearsing verb tables.

  • q-iconIf I attend the live classes and fall behind, can I restart with the next batch for free?

    Yes. The live classes start once a year.

    Keep in mind that we do have breaks throughout the year. For example, we follow a 4-weeks-on-1-week-off schedule so after 4 weeks of continuous classes there will be a week off. Additionally, there are no classes during the month of Ramadan.

    So whenever you find yourself slightly behind, if you make use of these breaks properly you could catch up before the next class.

    Having said all of that, you may re-attend from the next semester at no extra charge.

Membership Is Just $3.17 A Day 

This brings us to the end of this letter.

If you scrolled down to get the bottom line, here it is:

I'm giving you my complete 2 Year Foundations Program in Classical Arabic that sells for $1997 on my website at 50% of the normal price, as part of this early-bird special. We can only allocate 40 seats at this price point so please don't delay.

The start date for the live classes is immediately after Ramadan in mid-April.

You can handle tuition in 6 monthly installments of $197.00 or take care of it in a single payment of $997. You'll save a further $185 with the full-pay option and you'll have no installments.

One of the main bonuses is a Beginner Course called the "Premium Alphabet Course" that originally sold for $497. It was created by my student Br Mohtanick Jamil.

Br. Mohtanick spent 6 grueling months perfecting it, leaving no stone unturned and no angle uncovered. There's nothing quite like it on the internet. That's why I paid a huge sum of money to secure the rights to it so I can give it to you as a bonus. When you enroll in the Foundations Program, you get it FREE!

Additionally, the start-date is for the interactive component of the course. Access to the study materials however is immediate and unrestricted so you can (and are expected to) begin learning immediately by accessing the student portal where everything will be neatly organized for you.

We don't hold back the modules and drip them gradually. We give access to everything and allow you to move as quickly or as slowly as you'd like.

This is the first registration opportunity for the April 2024 start-date and as such it is the lowest tuition you will ever see. Tuition only rises from here. If you miss it and wait till the last minute, you'll be looking to pay the full price to join!

Don't let that happen. Click the button below and begin entering your registration info on the next page.

YES! I Want This!

Oh ...and if you're wondering, of course there's a guarantee.

Try it out for 30 days.

If it's not for you, I'll refund your tuition. And you can still keep the 11 hour Premium Alphabet Course just for giving it a shot.

And that makes this a VERY EASY DECISION.

You have absolutely no risk at all ...so enroll now and let's get going.


Yusuf Mullan